Ten Days and Counting

Ten days left! It’s so close I can smell the chlorine (though perhaps that’s because it’s been arriving by the bucket-load all week). 

We have ten days left to fill the pool, tune up and start the pumps, wash and arrange the furniture, clean Dellas and the bathrooms, rake the remaining leaves, set up the volleyball court, plant flowers, rent the petting zoo animals, hire the juggling clown, and post the whacky inflatable waving arms man by the street (OK, we may not need to do all of those things). 

But regardless, we have a daunting task ahead of us. Our volunteers have been working tirelessly, day and night, rain or shine, to get the pool ready and we could still use more help!  Join us this weekend, Saturday or Sunday to help us put the final touches on the pool.  Can’t make it over the weekend?  That’s alright.  We’ll likely be at the club every evening next week.  

Can’t make it during the week either?  That’s OK too. Just be sure to join us on opening day, Saturday, May 29 at 12p as we commence Operation Fun in the Sun at Charleston Swim Club. 

Andy Shilliday
Club President 

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